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2 Cases When E-Commerce Unboxing Isn't Important

November 6, 2023
E-Commerce Box

As you will soon see, we believe unboxing is an extremely part of your overall packaging strategy. As more sales migrate online, it is essential to pay attention to the experience your customers have when opening your packages.

However, there are certain businesses where unboxing is more important than others. Here are two instances when unboxing is the least important.

1. When your goal is to be the low cost provider

Low cost providers, such as Walmart and Amazon, don't just sell price -- they must sell a great customer experience as well. However, when someones main reason for buying from you is price, the customer experience is less important. They are unlikely to be disappointed if the unboxing doesn't impress them, as long as their product arrives safely and in a timely manner.

2. When your product is totally unique and differentiated

Likewise, if your product is one-of-a-kind, your unboxing is less important. Granted, you can create positive word of mouth -- and this happens all the time -- with a well-thought unboxing. But people are coming to you for your product, because there is nothing else like it in the world. One example of this would be a painting. If you fall in love with a certain artist and want their painting, you will unlikely to be disappointed if the unboxing doesn't impress, as long as the painting arrives safely and meets your expectations.


As a packaging company, it would be easy to say that everyone needs to invest in their unboxing. However, there are circumstances where it is less important than others. In the great majority of circumstances it does matter, because in the world we live in, more and more products are becoming commodities. You can get the same product (either identically or so similar the market doesn't see a big difference) from many different people. What lasts are brands, and brands are built on customer experiences.

In those cases, you cannot afford to ignore your unboxing.

Contempo Team