Are you interested in using post consumer recycled plastic in your cannabis packaging? In this post, we will outline what PCR is and answer some common questions such as whether or not PCR is recyclable, whether it's actually sustainable or greenwashing, and examples of marijuana packaging you can make from post-consumer recycled plastic. Let's begin!
PCR stands for post-consumer recycled plastic. Think of this as plastic that has gone through the recycling system and that material is now being used to make new packaging products.
Ons such example would be plastic items you recycle in your blue bin at home, such as single use PET water bottles. Those water bottles get collected, processed into pellets, and then that recycled material, known as PCR plastic, is sold to manufactures to make new bottles.
This is a simple example but it explains the general concept.
No, PCR plastic is not biodegradable nor should the word "Biodegradable" be used when talking about sustainable packaging even though it's extremely common. The reason is that the word biodegradable does not have a concrete definition and can give consumers the impression they can simply litter the packaging. The better word to use is compostable, which is packaging that meets certain verifiable standards such as ASTM D6400. However, compostable bioresins look like plastic, but are derived from plant materials and this is not the case of PCR plastic, which is derived from fossil fuels.
No, it is not a form of greenwashing.. Greenwashing is more attempts to mislead the public regarding a sustainable solution. While not plastic free, PCR plastic is not misleading the public, so long as it comes from a verifiable source. If the source claimed to be PCR and it was not, that would be greenwashing. But the use of plastic packaging does not make a solution greenwashing.
In fact, the plastics industry has certain environmental benefits that other packaging materials do not have and often boasts low water consumption and carbon emissions when conducting a Life Cycle Analysis compared to other materials.
Yes, if you use plastic packaging in New York, you need to use at least 25% PCR in your packaging.
No, Vermont is taking a different approach and is more anti-plastic altogether, whereas New York is allowing plastic so long as it has 25% post consumer recycled content. These are two different approaches to eco friendly cannabis packaging.
Yes, it can be recycled, although it is worth mentioning that it is understood there is a finite life to the amount of times plastic can be recycled. Unlike aluminum which is called "infinitely recyclable" by some, plastic is not as durable.
What packaging can actually be made from PCR plastic? For the most part, you can make just about any plastic item from PCR plastic. Unlike other sustainable materials where there is a lot of R&D required to convert to the new material, PCR plastic is fairly simply to use in manufacturing.
Some examples of products made by Contempo Specialty Packaging that could be made from PCR plastic include:
Interested in using PCR plastic for your cannabis packaging? Reach out to us today and we would be happy to talk you through the process and answer any questions. If you want to seek some other sustainable cannabis packaging solutions, you can visit our Sustainability section.